Sunday, 26 April 2015

The Crab Street Journal Adoptions - Hermit Crab Adoptions Center

Do you have hermit crabs that you can no longer take care of?
Would you like to adopt hermit crabs in need?
Sign up for The Crab Street Journal Adoptions Center

The Land Hermit Crab Owners Society

A free online society of land hermit crab owners. 

We have a Yahoo!Group, Facebook Group and Facebook page. 

Join us on TwitterInstagram and Tumblr

We also run an adoptions center for
land hermit crab owners society members.

The Crab Street Journal

An online magazine created by members
of the Land Hermit Crab Owners Society

Includes Articles, Caresheets,Competitions, FAQs,
Files, Forums, Newbies Guide, Species & more!